Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ideas Please!

Hello loyal friends and followers (all 7 of you),

We've started a blog, we're on twitter, now all we need is stuff to talk about!  But, we need some help brainstorming.  What Birmingham topics should the Anti-Lame Campaign confront?  The pitiful guy to girl ratio?  How hard it is to make new friends - and what to do about it?  The music scene?  Nightlife?  Leave us a comment so we can start de-lamifying the city.

Your friends,
Erin, Melanie, Bethany, Melissa, and Laura


  1. I love to dance, but it seems like no one else in Birmingham likes to get down...in a Christian way. Can you ladies help me find a place to bust a move and not get groped?

    Girl who likes to jump around

  2. Great blog, people. I want to see this idea succeed; Bham needs to be antilamed in the worst way.
